Port Side Pirates
Embark on an adventurous voyage with Port Side Pirates! Join a spirited crew of buccaneers as they sing their way through the high seas aboard their colorful galleon. This engaging story is brought to life with lively illustrations and a melodic singalong performed by Mark Collins. Educational endnotes provide fun facts about historical pirates, global piracy, and a helpful chart identifying parts of a ship, making this a perfect blend of adventure and learning.
- Content: Rhyming story about a lively pirate adventure.
- Design: Detailed, vibrant illustrations paired with singalong lyrics.
- Educational Elements: Includes pirate facts, global insights, and ship diagrams.
- Audio Included: Paperback with CD includes the song performed by Mark Collins.
Sail into a world of imagination and discovery with this swashbuckling tale that entertains while teaching about pirates and their ships!