Vintage Stag Horn Coral- 17"
This is a beautiful selection of a Vintage Staghorn Coral. These corals feature long slender branches with a smooth appearance. Often times these corals are called antler/staghorn corals due to the long, slender, antler-like appearance.This is a relatively fast growing coral found in shallow reefs.
Dimensions: 17" long x 10" wide x 9" deep
Scientific Name: Acropora Robusta (AKA Acropora Nobilis)
Each coral is unique! Here are some interesting features about this particular coral-
~Long base for a narrow display.
~ Is a beautiful off-white color with small pink dots
~Medium size narrow base
~Can be displayed from different angles
~We estimate this coral was collected in the 1960s
We hope you display this coral with pride, coral is a precious resource, and now being treated like costly gems. We DO NOT support, nor sell, any New Specimens. WE ONLY SELL VINTAGE CORAL, and hope you will only buy the same.