Carrier Shell
Fabulous and amazing Carrier Shells. These wonderful little spiral type shells travel the floors of the sea, picking up little wanders as they go. These white colored seashells are 'collectors' shells, scooping up bits of coral, barnacles, rocks, or other small shells. They truly are nature's works of art.
With this purchase, you will receive ONE Carrier Shell.
Xenophoridae pallidulaare (species of snails) are the most remarkable bunch of snails. Both their common name, Carrier Shells, and their Latin name, Xenophoridae (Xenophorids), give away their uniqueness -in Latin it actually translates to foreign carrying. A carrier shell will cement stones, other shells, coral sponges, and other debris to its shell. The individual pieces of foreign matter become larger as the snail grows and is often cemented to outer shell as a way of natural protection.
Approximate Diameter Ranger 3"-4"