Vintage Giant Rugosa- 21"X10"X11"
This is a beautiful selection of a Vintage Rugosa Coral. The rugosa coral is sometimes called an Elephant skin coral due to is wrinkly appearance. This is a fairly common species of coral, but is very susceptible to coral bleaching due to its widespread nature.
Each coral is unique! Here are some interesting features about this particular coral-
~Has a cut base that allows it to sit beautifully on its own
~Is a beautiful off-white color
~Larger size is perfect for additions to displays or for a great mantle piece
~Best Displayed facing forward
~We estimate this coral was collected in the 1960s
Decorating with Sea Shells and Vintage and/or coral is a very HOT Designer Trend. Coastal Styles never go out of season, and even if you don't live by the shoreline- you can display simple small elements of its beauty in any home style as a reminder. I'm amazed at the amounts of beautiful sea life featured in top decorating magazines, even if it's not a Coastal Trend magazine, most photos contain some type of sea life feature in each photo! From a large shell on a shelf, to an entire room filled with the sea treasures!
We hope you display this coral with pride, coral is a precious resource, and now being treated like costly gems. We DO NOT support, nor sell, any New Specimens. WE ONLY SELL VINTAGE CORAL, and hope you'll only buy the same.